Saturday, January 21, 2006

Ode to April.

Seriously, I am so lucky to have a friend like April. Not only did she set up a HORSE tourney for me (I placed 8th, she bubbled in 9th, which was a good showing!), but when I realized that there was only 30 minutes until the HORSE tourney and I really wanted to DDR instead of finish the silly Marshmallow Peep Sex(MPS) tourney I'd entered in a fit of insanity/boredom, she offered to finish the tourney for me.

So she logged in, and full tilt flipped it to her in the middle of a hand which she FOLDED and I would have CALLED, but she came back from T380 (and a bit of my ire, sorry april) to win a token! And not only that, she managed to win me T300 in the HORSE tourney since that started before the MPS tourney finished - she got me my token at the expense of a bit of time in her tourney.

Also, she got quad aces as me. We rule.

So, to April, I say, MWAH! You are the definition of a true friend.


At 11:43 AM, Blogger April said...

Awwwwwww.....thanks honey. Love you!

At 1:47 PM, Blogger Shelly said...

it's good to have friends :)


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